To keep going, never give up and never lose hope. Always have a plan. If you have a plan, you have hope.
Daryl Elliott Green
Good habits are like the miracle of compound interest, a single day does not matter, but over the long term the results are phenomenal!
Daryl Elliott Green
“If I could pass only one trait to my children, it would be an irrepressible will ‘not to give up’.”
Daryl Elliott Green
Be a person of action. Thoughts and words alone did not put man on the moon.
Daryl Elliott Green
When things really go pear-shaped, learn to appreciate the simple things in life, like chocolate frogs.
Daryl Elliott Green
When times become tough or complex, simplify your life in the short term by employing the W.I.N. principle to ride out your difficulties and triumphant over adversity. Hint: Google W.I.N. Nothing of intangible value comes without work.
Daryl Elliott Green
Like a boxer, sometimes in life you need to cover up, take a pounding… but just when others think you are done, explode with positive rage, leave them wondering ‘What the hell!’
Daryl Elliott Green
Speak and write as if your life depends on your words. Inspire ‘soldiers’ to follow you and your plan, to go over the top and storm the enemy trenches! Be clear, precise, passionate and succinct. Don’t use unnecessary words or jargon to make yourself sound smart, you’ll fool no one. Rather, be crystal clear when communicating. This is the genius of all great communicators.
Daryl Elliott Green
Be brave, if something looks like the Charge of the Light Brigade, speak up!
Daryl Elliott Green
Hope is important. I sometimes run in the rain and think the sun is still shining above those grey clouds.
Daryl Elliott Green