Just because someone has accumulated power, it doesn’t mean they’re wise. Watch and learn from their mistakes.
Daryl Elliott Green
Your experiences forge you, but it’s your attitude and the decisions through the furnace of life that make you!
Daryl Elliott Green
It’s not the things you accumulate that you’ll cherish as the sun sets on your life, but the experiences, connections and lives you’ve touched.
Daryl Elliott Green
Did you spend your day well? Remember, you’re one day closer to your death.
Daryl Elliott Green
Life is there to be enjoyed, it’s up to you if you wish to take advantage of it.
Daryl Elliott Green
Life is a series of ups and downs. Have faith in a positive future during the lows, and, with healthy routines, catapult yourself to the stars when on the highs.
Daryl Elliott Green
Sit and stare at the second hand of a clock. You are watching your life slip by. Feel the lost moment. Now, do something different!
Daryl Elliott Green
Curled up in a ball, feeling sorry for myself, didn’t motivate me to climb out of the pit. Getting off my backside, making an effort and asking for help did.
Daryl Elliott Green
Resilience is not strength. Resilience is returning to strength.
Daryl Elliott Green
It’s an ill wind that blows nobody any good.
passed to me by father, Alan Green